Friday, September 14, 2012

Los Angeles: Day 2 (Santa Monica)

This is the mall down in Santa Monica. I LOVE this mall. 
Los Angeles is many cities and energies packed into one. Thus it is possible to get the taste of many flavors all in one day. After leaving the morning peace of Venice Beach, we ventured about a mile or two north on Ocean Blvd to Santa Monica to do some shopping at Third Street Promenade.

When I lived here, I recall thinking nothing of traipsing down to this spot to hit up Nordstrom. It was there. I went. Big whoop. Now as a tourist, I marveled at how pristine and convenient it all was. Everything from the parking garage to the brilliance of the sun shining down in the center of the mall to all of the beautiful and extremely fit people. It was so easy to want to spend money and BE there. We were happy darting in and out of stores, snapping pictures, eating up the scenery.

I don't remember this topiary being here before.
It was funny how we could tell who the natives were. They were always well accessorized and somewhat annoyed. Annoyed with what, we did not know. Maybe they were bored with the perfection of the day or maybe they were sick of tourists steadily financing the continued survival of this spectacular mall. Had I been this way? Perpetually discontent with such splendid surroundings. Unsatisfied with my cute face and flat stomach and disposal income? I don't think I was overall, but I probably had my days. I was finding myself. I was trying to have a good time. I was trying not to be lonely or trapped in my own head. I do remember gravitating toward tourists and migrants to L.A. because their wonder with the world and its inhabitants hadn't been savagely beaten and left for dead by their own egos.

Remember that one hippie chick from The Voice? This is her.
After having a wonderful encounter with an androgynous salesperson named Pat at Barnes and Nobles (Yes, I'm so not kidding. I have no idea what gender that person was but he/she was very kind to let me use the employee bathroom.) and eating lunch, we drove down  Santa Monica Blvd to Wilshire. We rode past Rodeo Drive then up La Cienega to Sunset then all the way down the winding ride of Sunset to Pacific Coast Highway where we watched the surfers try to catch a wave. These had been all of my favorite sights to see and roads to drive as a resident. Where I'd think and search for answers within myself. Where I was free to dream in waking solace. I probably looked like a zombie.

We then returned to Venice Beach and walked to Whole Foods before settling in for the night. Memories collided with the present. Some good. Some bad. Mostly funny. It's amazing and fortunate how I've grown and how I haven't changed a bit. Just like California.

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