Last night's festivities definitely warranted a celebratory WOOOOOOOOO!!
In all honesty, I have always been and will always be a hippie from the Bay Area (Westside represent). I was incredibly saddened by the death of Vegoose. I support and am hopeful for the development of >First Friday. The hippies of Las Vegas need a place to congregaate since we don't have our own Telegraph Avenue. However, with the addition of Down and Derby Las Vegas, our culutural revolution continues.

Down and Derby is a monthy skate party at The Beauty Bar down on Fremont Street. Clad in funky get-ups inspired by the 70s, 80s, or just pure insanity, expressive folks aged 21 and over can imbibe in the bar upfront or rollerskate in the lot out back. If you think that the idea of combining alchohol and skating with adults who probably haven't donned a pair of rollerskates since their were gradeschool age sounds firghtfully dangerous then you are probably right. However, when you're grown and sexy...and a hippie...you pop a multi-vitamin, throw on a blond afro wig, do some squats amd high tail it over to that skate party like you have business.

I had such a fine time! Initially, I was pretty wobbly on those wheels but I took great comfort in knowing that I wasn't the only one. I'd made the incredibly wise decision to drink a soda instead of a martini and thus after a few circuits around the makeshift rink, I was able to comfortably relive the joys of dancing on wheels. The energy of the crowd was amazing and everyone was quite sympathetic of those who took a tumble. Falling as an adult really sucks because you have so much farther to drop. The party went on until 2am but I was done after three hours. I'm no skating spring chicken. To all my fellow skaters, enjoy the photos!
Ok Nikki..who is the dude in the red shorts and white tights?