Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26th - UNLV Student Union Ballroom

Party. One definition is a group gathered for a special purpose or task. Tonight's party was, once again, about putting an end to the proposed budget cuts to higher education in Southern Nevada. As I walked to my car from the meeting, the cold air sucking both the warmth and moisture from my body, I replayed some of the comments in my head.

Nevada has the money to support education! Our legislators need to be reminded...BY US!

What are the local leaders of our city thinking? They want $260 million to fund a new city hall and a mob museum, an edifice to violence, but they won't fight for money for our education?

UNLV is a research university. Do you know what that means? Research universities quadruple every dollar invested and put that money back into the community.

I was approached by the president of a major gaming group, and he was worried that we would push for a lottery to support education.

They're talking about cutting UNLV's budget by 52%. That's like burning half of a house down. Who can live in half of a house? They cut half of our system; they kill our whole system.

Man. Las Vegas reminds me of a 13 year old child who is slowly coming to the realization that his parents suck. This kid, Las Vegas, wants to explore, to ask questions, to learn a new language, to go out for the sports team. This kid wants to go to art museums, wants a high-powered telescope, wants to take apart the computer to see how it works. This kid wants to learn the guitar, go camping out in the wild and build something with his bare hands. This kids wants to grow and live and thrive. However, Las Vegas' parents are comfortable. They have their values and beliefs. They've been doing things a certain way their whole lives and they are not about to change. What is good for them is good for Las Vegas , so Junior should get over his lofty, foreign aspirations. Here, have some toys, Las Vegas. Go sit down somewhere and shut up. Go play and let Mommy and Daddy get back to the business of stagnation.

There were many people at the UNLV Student Union Ballroom. I'm sure a large portion were the usual suspects who make it their business to be the checks and balances of a system that would otherwise remain unchecked by its transient constituency. I honestly do not believe that anyone in Nevada wants a funky government. We just have so many distractions. You know... celebs, players, ballers, implants, poles, bright lights, $20 glasses of champagne (yes, I'm still bitter) and general prosperity. Alas, there were more than the regular ranters gathered to stop disaster from interfering with our that we may get back to our celebs, players, ballers....

My legislative representatives are April Mastoluca, Shirley A. Breeden and Joyce Woodhouse. I like to write. God help their mail carrier.

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