Last night started at 7:30pm after bubble bath and quiet contemplation. After dismissal of what havoc my work week tends to wreak. After deciding to choose irresponsibility... if only for a few moments. I went to party #1- a private affair hosted by a dear friend and business associate out in the boondocks of Henderson. I never really know what to expect at these types of house parties. Friends of friends are still strangers and unknown energies. I approach these scenarios as I do all others; with shoulders back, head high, and the aggressive intent of scaring the "niceness" out of anyone who dares to form a concrete assumption about me. I shake hands with everyone in the room, repeat their names back to them and look them squarely in the eye. It could very well be that I will not remember a single name of anyone I met unless it is attached to a business card. That is not my goal. I am the one who is not be forgotten. That's my special brand of
There was good conversation on the personal experiences of 9/11, the state of marketing in Southern Nevada and getting better acquainted with the local networking scene. Then sadly, I was forced to school an Australian dude on the constant contributions made by blacks throughout American history since
Crispus Attucks because according to said Australian we darkly-hued individuals didn't get involved until Barack Obama threw his hat into the ring. Bless his heart. (February is Black History Month. Black History is American History. Find a friend. Exchange ideas. Be enlightened.) I left at 9:10pm.

The main event of my night would be held in the
Playboy Club of the
Moon Nightclub at
The Palms. I arrived at about 9:33pm. I called my boyfriend as I walked alone from the parking structure to the casino. I wanted to hear his voice before once again being submerged in this LV scene.... and just in case someone knocked me in the head, he would be able to properly alert the authorities. As I neared the elevators, some random man decided to sing The Righteous Brothers'
Unchained Melody to me. His face bore the expression of acute constipation. I, amazingly unsurprised, just looked at him. This is Las Vegas.
The Palms was bustling with Friday night traffic. Concert here. Movie there. Nightclubs farther on. What the hell was I doing here? Oh yeah. A local businessman by the name of Eamon Springall was celebrating his 30th birthday at
Moon. This soiree was being promoted by
The Executive Lounge. There would be an open bar from 9pm -11pm. I was there to freeload. I rendez-voused with the rest of my party, allowed myself to be photographed on the red carpet, rode the elevator up to our destination and stopped at the first bar I saw for my complimentary libation. Great. The "open bar" was free drinks compliments of a tequila manufacturer. That meant the only free drinks were tequila sunrises, margaritas or tequila shots. The tequila sunrise tasted like hot ass. So did the margarita. I don't know if the tequila or the bar tending was to blame. Perhaps a mixture of both. You don't make good free drinks when you can charge for good costly drinks. Damned casinos and their blasted tricks!
The Playboy Club portion of
Moon seemed to be a place where the sleek and sexy could get their gambling on without interference from "normal" players. There were even slot machines in the corner. I'm not sure why anyone would want to gamble away their money in the dark. It was hella dark in there! Hella! I did, however, manage to spot an Asian dude with a haircut a la ex-Governor Blagojevich. What is the world coming to? I also ran into my general manager from my direct sales days at
CBS Radio. He was now at
Beasley Broadcasting. I told him that he didn't look a day over 65. I believe he's 52.

After participating in the birthday boy's champagne toast, I delighted in making obnoxious faces in the background of his pictures taken in front of the cake. I played a little pinball , took some pictures from the outside observation deck and then proceeded to
Moon's dance floor. I selected my victim fairly quickly. One Anthony from
Nevada Partners. He made for a very fun dance partner and managed to keep up with me pretty well. Kudos to you, Anthony! Oh, if I were twenty-one again, M
oon would have easily been one of my favorite spots to party. The music mix was tops. The dance floor had panels that lit up in rhythm to the tunes being spun and the ceiling above featured an amazing laser show. I could have danced all night. I left at 12:15am.
I had three unopened love letters and two special "mix tape" CDs to get home to... sealed with a kiss from Georgia. I wish I could share some of the poetry in those cologne-scented missives....but they are MINE. I will just say this to any men who happen to read these blogged revelations. Gentlemen, if you'd like to start collecting that special girl's panties then do yourself a favor and draft her a sincere love letter using actual paper and real pen-generated ink. Mail it to her home no matter how near or far away she lives. Feign surprise when she calls with high-pitched declarations of appreciation. Tell her how much she inspires you to send such writings. Collect aforementioned undergarments. (It works every time.)
You're a phenomenal writer! This blog definitely suits you. Keep it up! =)